Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:22:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts clean Integrating Product Design to Amplify B2B Sales Strategies Thu, 24 Aug 2023 16:14:47 +0000 AmplizIntegrating Product Design to Amplify B2B Sales Strategies

Nowadays, B2B product design is critical to any business. Integrating product design can boost B2B sales strategies. When we say B2B product design, it is the method of designing the product for business operations, including software and supplies. Its goal is to streamline purchasing procedures to please clients and provide a massively important solution. B2B …

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AmplizIntegrating Product Design to Amplify B2B Sales Strategies

Nowadays, B2B product design is critical to any business. Integrating product design can boost B2B sales strategies. When we say B2B product design, it is the method of designing the product for business operations, including software and supplies.

Its goal is to streamline purchasing procedures to please clients and provide a massively important solution. B2B designs ought to stick to the consumer’s business plan.

Product design companies create solutions by providing tools that simplify business processes and designing products that meet the needs of business customers.

Integrating B2B product design into your business may boost your business-to-business sales strategies and help your company grow to its full potential.

This post emphasizes the importance of product design to businesses, the rules of B2B design, aspects to consider, and significant topics.

The Importance of B2B Product Design to Business

In today’s digital world, product design is essential to stay relevant in the market, and B2B design can help boost your B2B sales strategies. This section will discuss the significance of B2B design to businesses.

Unique designs can create sales.

Having clean, concise, and simple designs for your business website and other products can attract buyers and increase revenue.

If your website or app is user-friendly, displays easy-to-understand text, and is simple to navigate, customers will love to visit your website, use your software, and purchase your products.

Not only that, but they will spread the word by recommending your product to others and leaving positive feedback or reviews on your website.

Add value to your business offerings.

Business-to-business design adds value to your products or services. B2B design can add value to every product your company sells.

Because product design is derived from extensive research, analysis, and customer planning, your business will develop quality products and provide value to your customers. It may enhance customers’ satisfaction over time.

Buyers and users will pay more for functional, sustainable, and visually appealing products.

Enhance your business operations.

Product design companies provide B2B tools to help business operations and workflows streamline the process. These solutions include automation tools for websites and workflows. 

A well-design app is helpful for users to maximize the potential of the software to boost workflow and business efficiency.

Design solution provides an intuitive onboarding process ensuring that employees use the tool confidently, increasing the business’s productivity and ROI.

It can automate your internal operations, which increases business productivity and efficiency. And make your selling process more efficient and fast, which satisfies users’ experience. 


One example of a B2B solution is designing eCommerce channels where trading products and services on the internet are efficient and fast. I

t can lower operating expenses because the business process is automated and reduces the need for human intervention when processing orders, managing inventories, etc. Businesses can save money and time in the long run. 

Streamline the selling and buying processes.

B2B models involve software and tools. All the selling and buying operations are automated, reducing delays and errors in the transactions and processes. Businesses can track, monitor and ship goods in quick and fast transactions. 

Enhance customer relationships

Effective B2B design improves customer experience and builds customer trust by continuing to provide value. Brands can improve customer relationships by providing accessible information and transparency, leading to more loyal customers in the future.

Enhance visibility

B2B design solutions transform brand visibility through websites and social media platforms. The technology gives businesses greater visibility and data analytics, allowing companies to manage products more efficiently and access global markets.

Build a strong brand for your business.

A robust B2B brand design distinguishes your product from the competition, giving buyers a reason to choose your brand over others. It enables you to build trust with your stockholders, employees, customers, distributors, and more.

B2B Product Design Strategies

The strategies discussed in this post apply to all interfaces striving to convert sales, not just B2B. So consider which sections should be prioritized to help increase your business revenue. 

Build up the visual performance.

Graphics and website content are essential visual elements. Increasing your visual performance by using design techniques can boost your visual performance.

Avoid overwhelming users with information and large amounts of data, which may impact your website’s performance. Too much content, such as videos and large imagery, may confuse and irritate visitors.

Placing too many content materials may cause your page to become unreadable and cluttered. There’s a correct implementation of visual hierarchy and the site’s functionality to ensure users have a pleasant visit.

Make the value proposal stand out.

Creating catchy headlines or enticing slogans about what your brand stands for or your products are a great way to entice customers to learn more about your product. Include the right fonts, colors, and typographic hierarchy; the company’s policies and brand should be consistent.

The call to action should be visible.

B2B websites are tools for generating leads, and it is essential to design them according to the business goals. The CTAs should adequately address, making it visible to visitors what you’re selling and your intent to convert them into potential buyers.

CTAs, or call-to-action buttons, should be visible and easily identifiable to capture consumers and drive sales. For your CTAs to be clickable, use appropriate colors, orientation contrast, shape, and background. It significantly impacts conversion rates and may help increase your ROI.

Create copy digestible

Crafting Copy content for your brand websites significantly impacts business conversion. Know why you’re writing the copy, whether long or short. You should know when to write a long or short copy to attract buyers. Remember to make it exciting and easy to read. 

Long-form copy is for new products or services that require more promotional information to persuade and capture buyers or users. Short copies are intended for well-known products or to inform customers of special offers. The copy should be easy to digest and read by visitors of all types and provide helpful information to the readers.

Security is vital

Your business website should have an SSL certificate to secure your web and safeguard all information or users’ data. Product design focuses on quality and performance and should ensure customers’ and business data to the maximum level, especially in financial industries.  

Apply color psychology

Color psychology involves colors influencing emotional responses influenced by age and cultural background. For example, if your brand is aimed at Gen Z, you’ll need to use colors that appeal to millennials of a certain age. And if your brand voice represents wisdom or hope, you’ll need to incorporate blue into your displays.

Clients’ testimonials and the company’s achievements

Display client testimonials and company trophies or awards on your website to make a good impression on your customers. Good reviews and business accomplishments should combine to add value and brand identity to your company.

Business contact information is clickable.

The business details or contact information are presented in various formats, but remember to make them clickable. Emails, phone numbers, business addresses, social media channels, and more are all included.

According to statistics, nearly 7 million mobile subscribers worldwide, most of whom use their phones to browse online products. Your displays must also be mobile-friendly to capture mobile users and reach more web customers. 

The b2b solution should align with extensive research targeting audience needs while providing a convenient way to contact your company.

Benefits of Using Product Design on Business

Integrating design into your business can reap multiple advantages. It improves business efficiencies and performance, which is one of the benefits your company may gain. 

Using design in your company or business may benefit you in the following ways:

  • Increase your company’s sales.
  • Boost market position
  • Reducing user complaints
  • Develop customer service and increase customer loyalty.
  • It strengthens brand identity and raises brand awareness.
  • Open the door to new business product innovations and services, as well as new markets and global access.
  • Expand market compliance and product quality. 

There are several advantages of product design in business. It generates sales, adds value to the company, streamlines operations, strengthens brand identity and reputation, increases product visibility, and many more.

Things to Consider When Integrating B2B Product Design 

Design solutions should align with business goals, and it comprises many aspects:

Strengthen the business branding and policy.

The design solutions should have strong branding consistent with the company’s policies. With a friendly user interface, the design should match the customer’s needs. 

From user interaction to visual perception, the app design, including the website and other portals, should present the company’s brand as professionally as possible.

It necessitates greater cooperation between the business and the designers to conduct market research and understand the company’s identity and brand reputation.

Acknowledge users

Designs that acknowledge users satisfy users’ experience. It understands their pain points and needs which can create good relationships with your clients and loyal customers in the long run.

The design should be consistent.

Social networks are essential for marketing strategy. Design elements should be consistent with the company’s voice, brand, social networking sites, graphics and colors, items, and so on.

The B2B design should be consistent across the website, including the headers, elements, logo design, and other social media images. The brand becomes recognizable,  strong, and visible, representing the company’s identity.

Keep business relationships

There are several important factors to consider when developing a great B2B design solution:

  • Recognize and address the customer’s pain points.
  • Collect client feedback through extensive research and understanding.
  • Meet user demands and requirements through product performance and quality.
  • Produce simple, simple products, provide solutions, and meet their needs.
  • Create functional and user-friendly websites and apps.
  • Maintain excellent and clear communication with customers to foster trust.

Minimalistic and concise

In B2B design, minimalism features simplicity, clean, concise texts, and layouts. It eliminates unnecessary elements such as flashy elements and bolder fonts, making it aesthetically pleasing to attract more customers and visitors. 

Concise texts and information displayed on websites or apps promote better user experience and enhance customer relationships with your brand. 

How to Use Product Design to Improve Your B2B Marketing?

Improving your design is vital to earning a good impression on your potential business partners. Here are some pointers on how to use design to strengthen your B2B marketing.

Focus on the website’s design. 

When you post B2B ads on social media, potential customers are likelier to click on them, directing them to your company’s website. Visitors will fail to convert and leave if your website is not engaging in seconds. Here are the key areas that need improvement:

  • Use a consistent logo across all channels to strengthen brand recognition, including color palettes and fonts.
  • Ensure your website is easy to use and looks good on mobile and desktop devices.
  • Try creating beautiful landing pages and link instead to your homepage. 

Integrate multimedia and motion design

Multimedia is crucial in digital marketing. Here are some pointers for creating great multimedia designs:

  • Add an on-text screen or subtitles to your video.
  • Post an explainer video to attract business leaders or managers.
  • Ensure to use multimedia formats playable for mobiles to capture a wider audience.
  • Scalable design elements, such as branding, animations, and so on, should be used in your videos, especially in marketing materials.


Because of its complexity, B2B design is more broad than B2C design. It includes specific features and functions. In B2B applications, user experience is the top priority for user onboarding, influencing the app’s adaptation and success in the industry. 

Based on user feedback and company requirements, B2B design necessitates ongoing analysis and improvement. Designers can build a product that is marketable and valuable to users. And can produce effective products that meet their customers’ needs by emphasizing best practices and employing user-centric design procedures.

Effective product design necessitates careful implementation, extensive research, brand consistency, integration with other tools, data analytics, and other factors to amplify B2B sales strategies. 

In addition, product design companies can create a product that meets users’ needs and helps businesses achieve their goals more effectively by employing the best approaches in every aspect. 

Furthermore, collaboration with the company increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing effort in achieving business success.

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Choose the Right Sales Tools to Improve Your Sales Strategy Fri, 03 Jun 2022 08:53:10 +0000 AmplizChoose the Right Sales Tools to Improve Your Sales Strategy

Across the world, businesses are moving rapidly to set the pace in various markets. Many are heading toward significant breakthroughs, adopting the best solutions to outperform their competitors. Traditional methods are slowly dwindling in this extremely progressive and developing world of business. To keep up with the changes, business owners like you should start using …

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AmplizChoose the Right Sales Tools to Improve Your Sales Strategy

Across the world, businesses are moving rapidly to set the pace in various markets. Many are heading toward significant breakthroughs, adopting the best solutions to outperform their competitors.

Traditional methods are slowly dwindling in this extremely progressive and developing world of business. To keep up with the changes, business owners like you should start using tools built to help manage your overall operations⁠—from sales, marketing, to customer management. 

Aside from making tedious tasks simpler, the best sales tools help businesses level up their game. They are also integral to growing sales, boosting performance, and generating more revenue. Discussed in this article are examples of sales tools that are essential for your business.

What are sales tools?

Sales tools are digital solutions that make the work of sales professionals easier. The umbrella term “sales tool” encompasses plenty of several technologies, which include sales reporting, email tracking, sales pipeline management, sales automation, and sales calling, just to name a few.

Sales tools help sales professionals know which prospects will succeed with their service or product, when to follow up on these prospects, and what to discuss with them. 

Investing in sales tools software also answers employees’ demand to have better access to advanced tools. This indicates that businesses that still depend on old-fashioned sales tools may both lose sales and talented teams. LinkedIn’s State of Sales 2021 reports that 94% of sales professionals affirm that sales tools aid them in closing deals.

The Right Sales Tools for Your Business

Sales Reporting

Refining your process and filling the gaps in your sales performance are key to progressing in sales. A well-equipped reporting tool can expedite the production of reports by more than 40%. These reports are a necessary source of information; hence use it correctly to improve productivity and amplify sales.

With the right reporting tool, you can make comprehensive reports for:

  • Sales data analysis
  • Vital metrics measurement
  • Informed decision-making
  • Purchasing patterns identification
  • Poor performers tracking
  • Real-time opportunities and problem areas spotting

Email Tracking

Your job does not end with sending a well-drafted email to a sales target. You should know what the target does with it.

Most emails do not get responded to. Most sales representatives do not also follow up, resulting in many lost opportunities. Do not be this kind of a sales rep⁠—use email tracking tools to learn if your prospects are actually reading your emails.

Prospects sometimes do not respond because either they are uncertain about the answer or they just forget. If you use an email tracking tool, you can monitor the open rate and reach out to your prospects to know why they are not responding.

Sales Pipeline Management

If a deal seems rewarding, the most logical thing to do is to ensure that it will push through. For that, you must have effective sales pipeline management to track and handle the progress of your sales. It provides valuable insights into each phase of the sales pipeline for figuring out the risks and taking the right actions.

A sales pipeline management tool helps you to:

  • Determine if you have ample deals to meet your sales target
  • Establish a timeframe to have a better idea of the status of the deal
  • Get rid of low-quality deals to keep the cleanliness and health of your sales pipeline
  • Learn the right time to follow up on a prospect
  • Improve sales results by paying attention and preparing deals in real-time

Sales Automation

Frustrated by having a long list of things to do? Automate some of your tasks! The right automation tool helps set workflow and automate most laborious tasks. You can automate task delegation activities, automatically follow up emails, and update information. It saves time so that you can focus on more pressing business affairs.

Sales Calling

A remote phone system is important in sales for managing sales communication efficiently. By using a communication app, you can access the local or toll-free number of your preferred country and seamlessly manage your inbound and outbound calls. It helps in creating a local presence and gaining the trust of local customers.

A calling tool gives a vast spectrum of features, such as call logging automation, call tracking, and call forwarding.

Sales Acceleration

Sales acceleration is a smart strategy to generate more sales conversations, speed up the sales cycle, and/or get more deals. Sales acceleration software automates administrative duties and streamlines sales processes.

Uncontrolled speed is not the goal, paving the way for sales acceleration technology to come into the picture: to help sales professionals improve efficiency with better organization and engagement throughout the sales process.

Sales Analytics

Sales analytics allow sales professionals and managers to track, assess, and improve sales activities. At the same time, these tools project trends and results and look for hidden relationships. They give sales managers key insights, making sales more understandable. 

Sales analytics tools enable sales managers to systematically gain access to analytics through the tangle of spreadsheets instead of manually collecting them. It is typically carried out on top of CRMs, through algorithms applied to data on hand to disclose insights.

Moreover, sales analytics tools are constantly evolving better versions of their predictive capabilities with AI and machine learning to forecast sales. These frameworks can calculate customer lifetime value from a tiny amount of usage data, for instance.

E-Signature and Document Tracking

E-signature helps speed up administrative work and lessen overhead by delivering a unified view of every process of a contract. This technology is also conducive to paperless transactions. Document tracking, on the other hand, tracks a document in real-time and how and when a prospect deals with it. 

Most e-signature and document tracking tools provide notifications for crucial dates that impact a contract. Some offer templates that let businesses create and store contacts, while others offer tools for making and managing contracts electronically and automating the digital handling of a contract throughout its lifespan.

Data Connector and Integration Tools

A data connector connects various systems so that they can process the same data seamlessly. This indicates that the data can be accessed through one system, which is a big improvement from how it was before.

Data integration tools combine data from various sources into one system instead of just letting the passing around of data between systems.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM helps sales professionals improve customer relationships, retain customers, remain in control of sales and marketing initiatives, automate communication, and close deals. 

With the innovation of technology and the competitiveness of markets, CRMs have evolved into complex, multilayered support solutions. Besides providing updates on the fly and implementing advanced lead scoring, CRMs now also offer numerous features that dramatically improve sales processes.

You can either use an off-the-shelf CRM solution available on the market or opt for custom CRM development, which will be more tailored to the individual needs of your enterprise.

What the Right Sales Tools Should Be

In the end, the right sales tools and techniques will grant you total control of your sales process and help you build healthy customer relationships. Whatever it is that you pick for your business, make sure that you use it purposefully. Most businesses that use sales tools who fail to maintain it achieve undesirable results.

Sales tools can make a huge difference in your ventures. Hence, it’s vital to pick the one simple enough to use and adjust. You can see how it’s done with the tools included in this list of 10 best tools to improve your sales.

The post Choose the Right Sales Tools to Improve Your Sales Strategy appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

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