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Covid-19 has made the leaders all across the sector rethink how they do business. With the uncertainty of Covid-19, the tech trend is in motion across all the sectors and the pharma industry is no exception. And in the last one-year pharma industry has leveraged the benefits of data & technology like never before. From …

Hyper-Personalization- A New Trend of Pharma Marketing Read More »

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AmplizHyper-Personalization- A New Trend of Pharma Marketing

Covid-19 has made the leaders all across the sector rethink how they do business. With the uncertainty of Covid-19, the tech trend is in motion across all the sectors and the pharma industry is no exception. And in the last one-year pharma industry has leveraged the benefits of data & technology like never before. From digital care delivery to improve the patient care experience, digital technologies have helped most brands to maintain access during unprecedented times. 

But pharma brands cannot continue with “one-size-fits” if pharma brands want to break the clutter, then they need to understand what customer wants and how their service can benefit them in the long run. And to fulfil their business prospects’ requirements, the pharma industry has to move from traditional marketing methods to hyper-personalization

In simple words, Hyper-Personalization refers to hyper-targeted, individualized, one-to-one messaging made possible by the collection and application of data. According to a specialist agency, healthcare marketers are collecting and compiling data from multiple sources, crunching it, and then identifying small groups that could be receptive to specific messaging and its happening with the rare disease cases. By using advanced data & analytics, pharma marketers can whittle down their targets and tailor messages to the consumer audience as small as one person or as large as an organization. And with the Covid-19 outbreak, healthcare markets must rethink the changing pharma marketing trends and plan their strategy accordingly. Moreover, achieving hyper-personalization requires enhanced data capabilities management and process integration. While many pharma companies are taking essential steps, there is still a long way for pharma brands to adjust to the new normal.

. Here are some pharma marketing trends if implemented right can drive personalization at a higher scale. 

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Optichannel- Winning Marketing Strategy for Pharma Brands

Pharma industry pre-dominantly depends on one channel that is “face to face”. But to better target physicians, many pharma brands are adapting the Optichannel strategy to target platform-centric messages to resonate with physicians based on the devices and platform in use during receipt of messages. And pairing with AI, will enable pharma marketers to craft a strategy with specific messaging, tagging, and targeting to reach specific people and organizations.

Not only this, these techniques enable the pharma marketers to “see” what people are doing in real-time, and then they can use dynamic & predictive strategies to deliver hyper-personalized email. Besides, the combination of AI with an Optichannel approach not only generate the higher ROI but also enable health marketers to evolve the way future market campaign to be executed. 

AI-Based Hyper personalization – A Primer for Ad Targeting

To increase brand engagement, pharma marketers are gearing to shift towards AI-driven automation because it’s not feasible to manually customized marketing campaigns for each individual at each place. According to research from Accenture, 81% of customer thinks, it’s important for brands to approach them in a timely, and personalized manner. And to create an effective hyper-personalization framework, you need to incorporate analytics derived from physician profiles, location browsing, and purchasing decisions.

Moreover, AI paired with real-time data empowers the pharma marketers to refine hyper-personalized messages to the physician to achieve better communication with relevant messages. And the rise of AI-based Hyper personalization is improving the competitiveness of brands and pharma marketers are incorporating AI in many ways such as using feedback loops to redefine profiles, and predicting user engagement. Above all AI-based Hyper personalization cuts back segmentation & optimizing time, and enables pharma marketers to provide each user with content that suits individual needs. 

Digital Healthcare Platform- A Viable Solution in New Normal

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit all across the world, the rise of digital transformation has been accelerated in almost all sectors. Unfortunately, pharma industries and healthcare have lagged when it comes to implementing digital technologies. According to a recent survey, only 7% of pharmaceutical industries have gone digital compared to 15% of companies in other industries.  But with the uncertainties of Covid-19 digital healthcare platforms are on rising.

Because digital healthcare platforms are providing physicians a great comfort in communicating with their patients. And the rise of these healthcare platforms has allowed health marketers to align with a partner that delivers programmatic ads without disrupting the physician’s interaction with patients.  Moreover, this platform will not only enable healthcare marketers to scale in their business but also elevate the physician’s journey with brands to build a deeper relationship. This is the reason, from start-up to pharma giants are betting on digital healthcare platforms as it is one powerful communication tool to get a better sense of customer needs and virtually engage with them for their products and services. 

The unprecedented times of Covid-19 have forced healthcare marketers to rethink the upcoming marketing trends. For, pharma industry the success lies in the mapping and planning of what needs to be done, what are options, and how implementing the right technology can transform their growth and improve their relationship with the customers. And the introduction of pharma marketing trends is enabling pharma marketers with technology that is compliant with industry regulation across all the digital platforms that will not only bolster the brand’s engagement level with physicians but also provides valuable insights for future endeavours. 

The post Hyper-Personalization- A New Trend of Pharma Marketing appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

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