Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts Thu, 11 May 2023 06:40:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts clean What is B2i: Revolution, Not Evolution Wed, 21 Jul 2021 07:56:33 +0000 AmplizWhat is B2i: Revolution, Not Evolution

New technologies are changing the way you offer solutions to your customers. And if you want to scale your business, technology adoption makes it possible by bringing in resilience. With increasing competition in an interconnected world, organizations need to know how they will fulfill their clients’ needs and expectations. Many solutions in the market might …

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AmplizWhat is B2i: Revolution, Not Evolution

New technologies are changing the way you offer solutions to your customers. And if you want to scale your business, technology adoption makes it possible by bringing in resilience.

With increasing competition in an interconnected world, organizations need to know how they will fulfill their clients’ needs and expectations. Many solutions in the market might help you connect with CIOs, CEOS, and business executives. But, you must determine how you can solve the customer pain points to build and sustain lasting relationships with them.

Technological advancements mean a lot to the marketing world as it provides the tools to achieve results more seamlessly. But, it has also made information more accessible to consumers, and they expect personalized solutions. To accomplish the same, marketers need to move beyond traditional B2b & B2c sales by embracing a new approach that focuses on “individuals”. This paradigm shift paves the way for a new era of digital marketing called B2i (Business to individual).

What is B2i?

B2i is not just a new marketing trend. It’s also about providing an experience. B2i marketing is about making a robust relationship with customers and business or service providers. It simply means providing “Business to Individual” With every buyer comes to the individual needs such as pre-purchase and post-purchase issue resolution, a customer goes through a series of the cycle before getting the ROI and result. And if you are not turning tables in favour of your customers, you might lose them. According to Forbes magazine, “The consumerization of B2b marketing and sales effort is now a priority, and this transitional shift is eventually going to ramp up”. And with uncertainties of COVID-19, the trend for B2i marketing is on the rise.” With the B2i approach, every buyer or customers’ need would be valued or nurtured.

Moreover, with B2i marketing, customers also find it easy to access the correct information at the right place in a personalized manner. B2i is a revolutionary step for marketing and standing one step ahead of the competitors. Additionally, B2i is a nuanced area that’s becoming more complex as this concept is gaining traction with marketers. But marketers need to know how to create the best environment for B2i in their organization.

Here’s decoding B2i. What markets must keep in mind while adopting this new approach.

1. Emphasize Relevance

B2i marketing is not just a strategy. It is the process of taking you to the heart of the message and calling for a resonant and concrete plan. For instance, if you are a healthcare data provider and dealing with a dental client, then you must have the answer to the question that “How can you provide the best dental care to your patients?” The main aim of B2i marketing is to answer the customers in the way they demand. That’s the beauty of B2i marketing; it combines the value message with relevance and powerful technology.

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2. Apprehend the Discovery Path

It’s been a long time that media communication like mobile phones and other mediums has forced marketers to extend their way of reaching out to clients and scaling their business growth. Furthermore, B2i is expanding the scope on this front. Nowadays, the audience doesn’t seem afraid of sharing their opinion on social media platforms. Hence before approaching a client, you must think like a customer and foster a solid and long-lasting relationship.

3. Nurture Empathy

When you provide a solution, everyone in your marketing and sales team must think like a customer you will serve. What are customers’ pain points, the challenges customers face, are there pricing issues, and is there trust built between the customer and clients? As a marketer, when you can satisfy the need of both parties and connect the dots, you can offer a better and efficient solution to complex problems at ease.

4. Prepare for the Future

With increasing competition, the new technology trend is also at its peak. Automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning are becoming the order of the day. One must prepare for these technologies to get traction from customers. Furthermore, track these technologies, educate yourself, tell your clients about your innovations and how they will make a difference in their operations. Then plan to make B2i campaigns with these new tools and technology at your disposal.

In a nutshell, B2i marketing will affect the whole aspect of traditional marketing. Scaling social media marketing and email campaigns will be easier as it connects brands with individuals and helps create people-centric approaches for businesses.

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The Most Underrated Latest Trends in Data-Driven Sales Products You Need to Know Wed, 26 Jun 2019 06:39:14 +0000 AmplizThe Most Underrated Latest Trends in Data-Driven Sales Products You Need to Know

B2B selling is seeing a paradigm shift with the advent of data and analytics technology, which has evolved the sales process from actions based on gut instincts to data-driven methods for measured outcomes, leading to better customer acquisition. A change that has shortened the sales cycle and paved the way for higher revenue growth for …

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AmplizThe Most Underrated Latest Trends in Data-Driven Sales Products You Need to Know

B2B selling is seeing a paradigm shift with the advent of data and analytics technology, which has evolved the sales process from actions based on gut instincts to data-driven methods for measured outcomes, leading to better customer acquisition. A change that has shortened the sales cycle and paved the way for higher revenue growth for B2B companies.

According to industry observers, 95% of companies who opted for a data-driven approach, albeit only for lead generation, saw a remarkable rise in deal closures. A data-driven sales approach has integrated marketing and sales to attain a common and well-defined business outcome.

The data collected over a period based on your prospects’ behavior, buying patterns, and their vital interests by the various business functions can transform customer experience. 

In a scenario where sales and marketing have become more dynamic, sales intelligence data has gained paramount importance.  It includes data of decision-makers, organizational reporting structure, financials, budgets, year-over-year growth, company initiatives, people movements, installed technologies (the “tech stack”), and predictive features – all in near real-time.

But how good is your data to produce the business results you desire? Here are some pertinent questions that will help you assess the quality of your B2B data.


Is your business generating qualified leads? 

Quality of the lead is determined by where the prospect stands in the organization chart. Knowledge of the placement gives an additional sales opportunity even if the lead goes in the dark. Besides, it enriches the lead and helps the sales team build relationships across the target organization.

There are entire teams in organizations dedicated to finding the right prospect. Content marketing, SEO, advertising, email campaigns, events, and list building exercises are one of many methods to acquire quality leads quickly and fuel other lead-gen efforts.

Does your data meet essential quality parameters?

Data is an integral part of sales intelligence. Subpar data can skew ROI numbers, misalign messaging, and make salespeople call the wrong prospect. 30% of the data accounts for unused or ineffective data and we need to guard against this phenomenon. 

Here are some top data qualities you should look for when implementing data analytics for improving sales and marketing performance.

  • Completeness: Are the records as complete as possible?
  • Uniqueness: No duplicate records
  • Timeliness: Is the data near real-time?
  • Validity: Does the data follow a common syntax?
  • Accuracy: Is the information correct?
  • Consistency: Is the data syntax same across similar records?

Does your data define the ideal customer persona?

An ideal customer persona is the keystone of sales and revenue gateway. It needs to stem from data and not perceived opinions. A data informed customer persona becomes the foundation for a razor-sharp strategy.

Leveraging sales intelligence not only helps in identifying the right persona but also in developing a focused customer acquisition strategy that is aligned with data based ICP.

Do you use your tech stack to improve conversions?

A tech stack is the most valuable information companies can use to improve sales conversions.

Tech stack with intent data helps salespersons reach out to the prospects at the right time. Intent data is the near real-time data about prospects’ web activities like searches and downloads. Intent data integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms can help analyze historical data to provide a better context and far more accurate predictions.

Latest Trends in Data-Driven Sales

Data driven approach for B2B sales
  • More and more data is available to sales and marketing teams than before.
  • Boost in ROI with personalized engagement with prospects leading to more empathy toned marketing.
  • Data experts have moved beyond demographic data for planning and targeting.
  • With Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking a front seat, Data experts are in the process of developing high-quality historical data to expand the application of AI capabilities.

Recent developments have proven that companies and their sales teams considering themselves data-driven are having far better ROI and productivity. With data-driven sales strategies in place, you will get:

  • Effective messaging
  • Focused measures
  • Better pipeline visibility
  • Higher funnel conversion rates
  • Faster revenue generation

Companies have precious data; however, they might have secured them or updated regularly. More and more companies are moving to more accessible and secure cloud-based data storage systems.

B2B space is booming with digital data. Once marketing and sales teams are equipped with accurate data and analyzed them through the sales funnel, your sales team should know how to use them.

Data-driven marketing will help your sales team make better decisions and set proper metrics. Until and unless you are getting all the actionable insights from your data, it remains worthless. If you have strategic data-driven marketing techniques in place, you can quickly boost your sales pipeline. You need to simplify and automate your marketing and sales processes.

Sharpen Focus on Qualified Leads

Few quality leads are far more effective than an extensive list of unqualified leads. A CXO contact is better than multiple individual contractors.

Through data-driven targeted email marketing, you can deliver the right message to the right leads that will have more significant potential of becoming hot prospects in the long run.

Follow Up with Your Leads for Quick Deal Closures

Once you capture a lead and get all the information, you must follow up with it so that it stays hot and active. The sooner you follow up with leads, the sooner you’ll get them in the sales funnel and on the way to becoming promising prospects.

Data-driven marketing will help you send targeted follow up emails. Lead them to targeted landing pages with compelling call-to-action to attract your lead in the best possible way. This way, you can see a dramatic improvement in open rates, click-through rates, and your sales cycle will also ramp up.

Transform Your Business by Nurturing Leads

Leads should never be kept idle. They become inactive, cold, and finally, dormant. Therefore, you need to put them through the lead nurturing process and monitor them to determine how close to purchasing they are.

Marketing automation software can prove quite useful in this regard, as it gives you a good idea of where in the sales process, your leads and prospects are and whether they’re ready for a sales discussion.

Through data-driven marketing, you can get such information and much more. You can study behavior patterns, buying strategies, and other movements of your prospects or customers quite clearly.

Analyze Your Sales Data

In today’s competitive marketplace, sales teams cannot function or make decisions based on a hunch, gut feeling, mere predictions, or guesswork. Thus, sales teams need analytics that only data can provide.

The real benefit of the data-driven approach is an insight into the sales funnel. Sales funnel the best source to determine which prospects or customers to contact, when to do it and how. It will also help you drive decisions regarding which channels to use to reach them, how much revenue can be earned, and even predicting the leads: conversion ratio.


Finally, the data-driven approach helps sales teams to qualify better leads, ensuring better customer experience, and higher customer retention after the close.

The post The Most Underrated Latest Trends in Data-Driven Sales Products You Need to Know appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

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