Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:40:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts clean Building a Winning Sales Enablement Strategy for Your Team Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:40:25 +0000 AmplizBuilding a Winning Sales Enablement Strategy for Your Team

Building a Winning Sales Enablement Strategy for Your Team is crucial in today’s competitive online landscape. This involves equipping your sales team with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to engage prospects and close deals effectively. It is important to emphasize that this is not just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive approach that can transform …

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AmplizBuilding a Winning Sales Enablement Strategy for Your Team

Building a Winning Sales Enablement Strategy for Your Team is crucial in today’s competitive online landscape. This involves equipping your sales team with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to engage prospects and close deals effectively.

It is important to emphasize that this is not just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive approach that can transform your sales processes and drive business growth. By putting in place a well-crafted sales enablement strategy, you set the foundation for empowering your team and boosting overall performance.

Let’s begin. 

Leveraging Technology for Sales Enablement

New tech plays a pivotal role in enhancing sales enablement efforts, whether it’s a new software as a service that helps automate and streamline sales and marketing coordination, or incorporating AI into your content creation operating procedures. 

Choose tools that align with your team’s specific needs, ensuring seamless integration into your existing workflows. From customer relationship management (CRM) systems to AI-powered analytics, leveraging technology not only enhances productivity but also provides valuable insights into customer behaviours and preferences.

Understanding Your Sales Team

To create an effective sales enablement strategy, start by understanding your sales team’s current state. Assess their strengths and weaknesses, recognizing the unique skill sets each member brings to the table. 

Following this, it’s time to identify your target audience and market dynamics. This lets you ensure you are tailoring your strategy to the specific needs of your customers. By delving into your team’s dynamics and market conditions, you lay the groundwork for a strategy that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives. It’s amazing how many businesses often forget to do this. 

Defining Sales Enablement Goals

Setting clear and measurable objectives is a fundamental step in any successful sales enablement strategy, and it starts with clearly defining what success looks like for your team. Once that’s done, you can align these goals with your overall business objectives.

Establishing a roadmap that outlines the steps needed to achieve these objectives provides a tangible guide for your team. Whether it’s increasing conversion rates, shortening sales cycles, or improving customer satisfaction, well-defined goals serve as the compass directing your sales enablement efforts.

Training and Development

Investing in continuous training programs is key to keeping your sales team at the top of their game. This includes developing onboarding strategies for new team members to accelerate their integration into the sales process. 

Focusing on skill development and deepening product knowledge ensures that your team is well-equipped to handle diverse challenges, including rapidly changing industry and market conditions. By prioritizing training and development, you foster a culture of continuous improvement, where your team is always ready to adapt to evolving market dynamics.

Content Creation and Management

Developing engaging sales collateral is vital for effective communication with your prospects, especially your ability to create content that resonates with your target audience and addresses their pain points. You can make all of this easier by implementing centralized content management systems to organize and distribute materials efficiently. 

Consistency in messaging is crucial; ensuring that your team conveys a unified brand image fosters trust and credibility with your customers. Effective content creation and management are cornerstones of a successful sales enablement strategy, enhancing your team’s ability to articulate your value proposition.

Collaboration Between Sales and Marketing

Aligning the efforts of your sales and marketing teams is essential for a cohesive sales enablement strategy. Foster regular communication and feedback loops between the two departments. 

Of particular importance is the art of collaboration in content creation and campaign planning . This makes sure that your marketing materials directly support the sales process. By breaking down silos and promoting synergy between sales and marketing, you create a unified front that maximizes the impact of your sales enablement strategy.

Metrics and Analytics

Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial for tracking the success of your sales enablement strategy. Monitor and analyze sales performance data to gain actionable insights into your team’s effectiveness. 

Data-driven decision-making allows you to identify areas of improvement and adapt your strategy to changing market conditions. By leveraging metrics and analytics, you empower your team to make informed decisions that drive positive outcomes.

Feedback Mechanisms

Gathering feedback is a continuous process that fuels the refinement of your sales enablement strategy. This means encouraging open communication within your team to understand their experiences and challenges. 

It also means collecting and making use of feedback from customers to gain insights into their perspectives and expectations. Armed with that data, you can start to implement iterative improvements based on feedback to ensure that your strategy remains agile and responsive to the evolving needs of both your team and your customers.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Learning from real-world examples of successful sales enablement implementations provides valuable insights. Showcase case studies and success stories that highlight the impact of a well-executed strategy. 

By sharing tangible results and lessons learned, you inspire your team to emulate success while adapting strategies to suit your unique business needs.

Challenges and Solutions

Recognize that challenges will arise during the implementation of your sales enablement strategy. Common hurdles, such as resistance to change or technology adoption, require thoughtful solutions. Strategies for overcoming roadblocks include clear communication, ongoing training, and demonstrating the tangible benefits of the new approach. 

Successful companies are those that embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and proactively address them to ensure the sustained success of your sales enablement efforts.


In conclusion, building a winning sales enablement strategy for your team is a dynamic and ongoing process. As you reflect on the key points outlined in this comprehensive guide, remember that success lies in a proactive and adaptive approach.

By continuously refining your strategy based on feedback, embracing collaboration, and staying attuned to market dynamics, you position your sales team for long-term success. The journey to a winning sales enablement strategy is an exciting one, filled with opportunities for growth, innovation, and meaningful connections with your customers.

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Technographic Data: Comprehensive guide on Effective ways to find it Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:12:10 +0000 AmplizTechnographic Data: Comprehensive guide on Effective ways to find it

How to find technographic data for marketing? As technology sales and marketing professionals what set of data set you apart from your competitors? Like your competitors, you must be also focusing on various data like demographic, firmographic, and even geographic.  Do you think this information is sufficient to run a relevant and effective campaign? Sadly …

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AmplizTechnographic Data: Comprehensive guide on Effective ways to find it

How to find technographic data for marketing? As technology sales and marketing professionals what set of data set you apart from your competitors?

Like your competitors, you must be also focusing on various data like demographic, firmographic, and even geographic. 

Do you think this information is sufficient to run a relevant and effective campaign?

Sadly it is not.

Before you go to anyone to market and sell your technology product, you first need to have knowledge about their technology stack, like what tools and software they are currently using. In this area, of their business there is a scope for deploying digital transformation, and so on.

This knowledge is called technographic data. Let’s see the definition of B2B technographic data.

What is technographic data?

B2B Technographic data is a data-driven insight that helps businesses to know the technology stack of their prospective companies including current tools, use, implementation details, and adoption rates.

With the help of this technique, you can write better sales pitches, nail sales presentations, and find the right target audience.

 Now let’s see how technographic help businesses.

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Why technographic data is important for businesses

B2B Technographic data helps businesses identify the right target audience thereby improving their conversion rates. Let’s see how it is helpful for businesses

1. Technographic Segmentation

Technographic data helps businesses to know their prospect’s current needs and ongoing priorities. Technographic insights help businesses to know which of their target audience use their competitor’s product and which businesses are using the product that can be easily integrated with their product.

Technographic insight also helps businesses to segment the audience based on the business using similar products and businesses who are yet to invest in the product they are making.

Thus with technographic segmentation knowledge, one can identify their persona well, and segment them properly.

2. Increased specificity

Sales teams are often confused about writing compelling pitches for new technologies. They often find it difficult to curate the pitch that convinces their target audience for their product.

 But with the right technographic data insights, they can know the specific problems and challenges their target audience might be facing. 

This helps the sales team to curate their pitches easily and effectively.

3. Increased prioritization

Technographic data helps you to understand which of your target audience needs the technology solution now and who will require it in the future. With this insight, you will start focusing only on the right account and increase the conversion rate.

4. Better ROI for account-based targeting

With technographic insights sales reps can easily know what their target audience want actually. This helps them in

  • Engaging with the right prospect based on their past buying history
  • Creating relevant content for either introductory call or product demo
  • Creating a customized and personalized offer 
  • Developing USP and making prospects understand why your product is better than your competitors
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How to collect technographic data?

Looking at the importance and benefits of technographic data you may think, how can you collect them?

There are multiple ways of collecting technographic data of any company you want to target, let’s understand how

1. Survey over phone or email

One of the most direct ways to collect technographic details of the company is talking to staff of the company. You can either call or email them and ask certain question regarding how technology is adopted, deployed, and used to boost their B2B efforts. 

The problem with this method is that, most companies do not share these details neither on call nor in email. Even if they share, it used to be very generic. 

2. Website scraping

This method may produce more relevant report than survey if the tools you are using are generating and reporting accurate data.

In market many technologies have arrived which help you to scrape the data from your prospective companies’ website. This technology helps you to know which tools and technology your prospective company is using.

3. Purchase it from third party

One of the easiest and effective way to get the technographic data of your prospective company is to collect them from third party data source. With the use of cutting edge technologies like AI and ML these technographic data provider collect the data from your prospective companies.

These data providers then validate them with the help of experts and then they provide you. This make the data more accurate. Moreover they also follow all the security compliances, which make the data secure.

But the challenge is choosing the right one among many top B2B data providers.

There are so many technographic data providers that claim to provide the accurate and updated technographic data, but very few actually deliver the promise. When it comes to collect the accurate, and real-time updated  technographic data of your target audience, you can rely upon Ampliz.

Ampliz along with technographic data, provides you 360 degree overview of your target audience, that help you to understand them better.

For more details fill the form and book a demo with us.

B2B Data Providers – Contact Us


Thus, technographic data completes the full circle of 360 degree overview of your prospective company. These data help you understand your prospects better. And better understanding of your prospects help you pitch them better and convert them faster.

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Cold Emailing Vs Cold Calling? What is Best Outreaching Practice? Wed, 04 Oct 2023 09:52:03 +0000 AmplizCold Emailing Vs Cold Calling? What is Best Outreaching Practice?

Cold emailing vs cold calling? What is the difference between that? Is cold calling better than cold email? Or is cold email better than cold calling? With the list of contact details of your potential customers at your hand you are thinking whether to call them or email them. This is not your dilemma only, …

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The post Cold Emailing Vs Cold Calling? What is Best Outreaching Practice? appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

AmplizCold Emailing Vs Cold Calling? What is Best Outreaching Practice?

Cold emailing vs cold calling? What is the difference between that? Is cold calling better than cold email? Or is cold email better than cold calling?

With the list of contact details of your potential customers at your hand you are thinking whether to call them or email them.

This is not your dilemma only, almost 85% of sales reps think the same. While cold email gives you a lot of opportunity to convince your target audience, cold calls allow you to get immediate response and you can shape your tone and conversation as per the situation.

Cold calls and cold emails both are effective if you use them at the right time.

If you want to know when you should do cold calls and when you should do cold email, then this blog is for you. 

Let’s get started with some comparison.

Cold Emailing vs Cold Calling

cold emailing vs cold calling

Though there is no comparison between cold calls vs cold emails, still we will discuss some bright and dark sides of cold calls vs cold emails.

Cold calls are more personal

If you want to hear a straight “No” then cold call is for you. 😀 Jokes apart, people prefer cold calls when they want an immediate response.

In cold call the chances of rejection are higher so as the chances of convincing them too. You can adjust your tone and strategy as your conversation with them progresses.

In a cold call you can smell what is there in your prospect’s mind. You can ask more questions to know about their needs and pains.

It’s basically 1-1 conversation and nothing can bit the magic of 1-1 conversation.

Cold calls are invasive

Talking to some complete stranger is so uncomfortable for you as well as for your prospects too. In cold calls the chances of rejections is very high. Cold calls are more expensive and less efficient than cold emailing.

Constant rejection also leads you to demotivation.

Emails get ignored easily

Your prospects must be receiving hundreds of emails daily. Among these large numbers of emails, it’s easy for them to ignore your email very easily. 

Emails are easier to scale

Emails are the most preferred way of communication among professionals. You have enough time to think and curate your pitch. You can add visually appealing graphics in your email to grab attention. You can write compelling subject lines to make your prospects open your emails.

You can send so many emails at a time. It’s cost effective and more scalable. You can check the performance of your emails through various performance matrix, that help you to improve your campaign as well as know whether your audience is interested in your product or not.

Cold email is the best way of building the trust with your audience

Your cold leads turn into warm leads and ultimately into hot leads when they trust you. To make them trust you, you need to provide them with a constant value in terms of educating content, entertaining content, and so on. 

Emails serve this purpose. Sending info entertaining emails, promotional emails, case study emails you build trust with your audience and convert them into your customer gradually.

Factors to consider while choosing cold calling Vs cold emailing

The Ask

One of the most important factors to consider is what outcome do you expect from your call or email. Do you want to set up a meeting? Or want some information? Or do you want to ask for a referral? 

You have to figure out your ask and should be categorized as strong or weak, if your ask requires immediate response then it’s a strong ask or else it’s a weak ask.

For only strong asks only you should do a cold call. If your ask doesn’t require immediate response then go with cold email.

With this approach there would be less rejection and more success with the cold call.

The level of your prospects

You need to check the level of your prospects too before deciding whether to call or email. If you are out reaching to C-level executives it’s better to call. These people are easier to get on the call, as they will be at their desk.

But when it comes to reach out to managerial level people, email is best. Because these people aren’t always on their desks.  So it’s better to reach out to them via email.

When you cold call these people, either your call might not answered or they often don’t feel comfortable to talk to unknown people in terms of professional communications


Time plays a major role in deciding whether to call or email. Cold calls are answered best in late hours of the day and in mid weeks. The best suitable time to cold call is after lunch hours, i.e. after 2-3 pm, and best days to cold calls are Wednesday and Thursdays.

Even if your prospects don’t receive the calls, you can leave voicemails. Even voice messages have a greater rate of success in mid weeks and in late hours.

When it comes to sending cold emails, you can send emails around lunch time and also in the late evening. The best part of cold emailing is that you can check the open time of your previous sent email and send the follow up email at that time.

Now let’s see when you should use cold calls and when you should use cold email.

As discussed above both cold calls and cold emails are effective when used in the right situation and with the right strategy.

Let’s in what cases you should opt for cold call and cold email.

When should you use cold email?

cold emailing

When you want to measure and improve your sales outreach performance

Cold email is the best option for cold out reach when you want to measure and improve your outreach campaign

 Cold email lets you measure its 

  • Deliverability  
  • Open rate
  • Click through rate
  • subscribe/unsubscribe rate

This helps you to improve your email campaign accordingly and drive more conversions.

When you want to get more ROI of cold outreach

With every $10 spent you can receive $40 of profit in email marketing. That’s how it is cost effective and profitable. In cold emailing all you need to do is segment your audience well and hone your message accordingly. Rest will be taken care of.

When you want to generate sales opportunities at scale

With cold emails seamless communication with your leads is easy with automated workflow and email templates. This helps you to generate sales opportunities at scale. So it’s the best approach when you want to scale your out reaching princess.

When should you prefer cold calls?

When you want to build Armstrong’s report from the starting itself

Though there are higher chances of failure and rejection in the cold call, on the flip side, you have greater chances of building rapport from the first pitch itself. This helps you build trust and long lasting relationships with your prospects. 

Once your prospect trusts you, the conversion rate increases.

When you want to continuously iterate and and improve your pitch

In the cold calling approach you need to call 10s of prospects daily. This feels quite autonomous, but consistent practice of talking to strangers will help you to iterate and improve better.

When you want to qualify your leads quickly

In cold emails, you need to wait for a long time to know whether the prospect is interested in your prospect or not. But in cold calls you can know this quickly.

If the prospect is showing interest in your brand and engaging  well, it’s a sign that they are warm leads, but if their response is vague then they can understand that they are no more interested.


Thus, as discussed, both Cold calls, and cold emails are effective in their own way. And you can leverage this effectiveness if you approach them at the right time.

FAQs: Cold Emailing vs Cold Calling

Is cold calling better than cold emailing?

Whether cold calling is better or cold emailing, the answer to this question depends upon your goal and the situation.

If you want to have an immediate response from your prospect like setting up a meeting, asking for a referral, then cold calling is better than cold email.

But if you don’t need immediate response, and have multiple opportunities to let your prospect know about you and your service, then cold email is the best.

Should you cold call or cold email first

Ideally you should do cold email first. If your prospect is showing some interest in your brand by opening your mails, clicking on the CTA, then you should go for cold calls.

Because this increases your chances of success in cold call, as you may sound familiar to your prospect.

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