Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts Mon, 19 Feb 2024 08:19:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ampliz Blog Sales & marketing blogs from industry experts clean Best Marketing Tools to Market Your Healthcare Business in 2023 Fri, 06 Jan 2023 05:34:00 +0000 AmplizBest Marketing Tools to Market Your Healthcare Business in 2023

With the healthcare business changing in 2022, the healthcare marketing tools and practices are expected to be revamped, more authentic, unique, and quite authoritative to draw new customers' attraction and re-engage the previous customers.

The post Best Marketing Tools to Market Your Healthcare Business in 2023 appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

AmplizBest Marketing Tools to Market Your Healthcare Business in 2023

A large part of coming up with the perfect healthcare marketing strategy involves considering the recent and predicted trends in 2023.

Looking back at 2020-2021, it is astonishing how marketing trends have changed with projections materialized. 

As we look forward to 2023 and ahead, the competition will get fierce, and those companies with robust marketing and sales strategies will survive or thrive in the coming years.

So what do 2023 healthcare marketing tools or techniques look like? 

With the healthcare business changing in 2023, the healthcare marketing tools and practices are expected to be revamped, more authentic, unique, and quite authoritative to draw new customers’ attraction and re-engage the previous customers.

Reasons Healthcare Marketing Tools Matter

Whether you are looking for ways to tweak up your marketing strategies or are on a hunt for entirely modern marketing ways.

Before we get into learning trends, let’s understand why marketers would adopt these trends in the first place. 

While these come and go, trends roll the ball in healthcare marketing tools.

Three top reasons for diving into these trends:

You do not hold the driver’s seat

Patients and caregivers drive the marketing trends. Personalized and convenient products are in demand higher than ever before. Patients are 100% involved in healthcare preferences with information at their fingertips. 

Innovation always wins

Curating product that comes with a solid solution meeting the new reality will bring a standardized status quo. Consider the customer’s expectations with the product, go beyond the lip service, take patient feedback, and seriously care deeply about issues.

Watch the younger generation’s behavior to keep a tab on their young generation’s online behavior.

Healthcare continues to integrate and runs a business

As private equality leads the race, the significant consolidation and innovation culture grows faster as the pandemic slows down. Doctor-led groups are in rising to compete.

As multilocation are magnifying, they bring executive leaderships to differentiate themselves from other healthcare providers. Marketing exhibits opportunities to grow business by Bringing value and revenue generation.

Best Healthcare Marketing Tools and Strategies

Mobile-Friendly Website 

Businesses must have a mobile-friendly website to establish a clinic’s reputation and credibility. No one seats for the second-best when it comes to their health. Would you put in your trust whose website comes across as an amateur? Perhaps, not. You’d be more comfortable with an organization that puts in efforts to improve and boost the customer experience and interaction. 

Additionally, people are most active on smartphones while browning the internet. Whether looking for the nearest facility center nearby in a hurry while away from home or searching for new healthcare service options, every person appreciates easily navigable and user-friendly websites that quickly present their information. 

In order to stimulate and make your mobile website more appealing, there are several applications and tools available for making them efficient for phone sizes and optimizing for different screens. Pay attention to peoples’ preferences and changing trends. 

Chatbots for Basic Task

Sometimes, customer services require a live person. Speaking to a person might seem inconvenient when a patient or a customer has a quick question but would have to wait for minutes. 

A human customer representative is necessary to tackle more complex questions and tasks, whereas chatbots can take care of simple ones. Integrate chatbots into the website that answers the questions and performs essential functions. Additionally, they are available all around the clock. 

HQ Customer Experience Features

A high-end customer experience feature ensures that they bring on wonders for your healthcare marketing efforts. Do not only focus on promoting how thorough and considerate you are for serving the customers, but you also need to take a follow-up for the benefits promised. 

Start with analyzing your operations and determine where your people get stuck. One of the best approaches to help improve the customer experience is asking them to share feedback on your services. They know what they want, and you are wise if you listen to them.

People prefer convenience and ease of use, so implement features in your website and applications. Include them in the processes, including online registration, accessing information, or online bill pay. 

Diverse Telehealth Options

If you are in healthcare patient care provider, you can have the advantage of offering telehealth options. Over 60% of millennials want telehealth to become more available, as per the study in 2015. However, it is likely to increase in the post-COVID-19 era.

Consulting with a doctor via video call helps reduce disease spread and becomes more accessible without transportation. If you are in such healthcare services, you market to the public to attract more patients. Patients are not equal to customers, but health-related businesses that do not indulge in treating patients can adopt these telehealth options. 

Robust Content Strategy

Online advertisements are losing effectiveness, and patient-centered content can boost your marketing strategy. At the same time, you do not have time to create a colossal bunch of medical material that can be as comprehensive as WebMD or MayoClinic, using blog posts, testimonials, videos, articles, and outlets for improving your brand authority and reputation. 

Your patients and customers value transparency. They review the website to learn what previous patients think about you and what to expect on your visit. Content is not about selling yourself- gear it towards building trust so that they turn to you as the need arises.

Plan and focus on comprehensive content ideation and curation strategies. Leverage the social media channels and work on blogging (website blogs, guest blogging, etc.). Work on keyword research relevant to your prospects and meets your audience’s search intent. Use them to work on your ideas and implement them into your content without keyword overstuffing.

Location Specific SEO

SEO is the backbone of your marketing, mainly if you belong to a healthcare organization requiring a physical location for administering services. You need to leverage location-based SEO into your healthcare marketing strategy. 

SEO helps improve visibility internet searchability. However, location-specific variety amplifies the effect in your geographical area. For instance, a physiotherapy office on the coast will not be able to serve people across the world. So, you need to work on your location-specific SEO; you need to spread awareness among people who are easily accessible.

Content strategy includes working on the best keywords and other SEO practices. Do not forget to claim your Google My Business Page and geotag social media ads so that people can find you in their location easily.

Digital Signage

Still into the traditional printed materials and get information to get clients?

Take up Digital Signage for an effective and authentic alternative. Digital Signage is one of the strategic marketing that helps improve patient experiences. 

It includes displaying wait times in waiting rooms, showing medical information in hospital rooms, and sharing critical information with people. You can install TV screens on premises that are customizable, so do not resort yourself to printing materials. You can connect multiple screens and establish a professional atmosphere. 

Video Marketing

Video marketing prefers the best healthcare channel for building trust and amplifying awareness around the business in 2023. A video works best when it comes to engagement, and this is the sole reason why TV ads were the holy grail of marketing in the past and YouTube in the present. YouTube is a search engine and not a video website. Belvie it or not, YouTube is more extensive than Yahoo,, Aol, and Yahoo combined.

Healthcare marketers should make video marketing their best health marketing tool. Even a simple 10-second ad played before the YouTube videos can communicate tour company, vision, product, and services. Video marketing is something that you really need to experiment with. Personalize your healthcare brand, making it more appealing for the people you target with videos.

While working on the video, make sure to work on the quality using professional video editing software, create clip of contents as well as focus on visual elements. Do not let your perfection get in the way of being good enough for your audience. Consult and get the good stuff out in the world, and the performance of your efforts will speak for itself.

Healthcare Marketing Strategies for 2023

Customer Maintenance

Patient retention or maintenance will always remain the top priority. In 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdown, many loyal customers and patients were stuck to one company or service through all the odds and in all situations.

These businesses used innovative practices of healthcare, like, posting content on social media, and supported the idea of email and video marketing to keep their supplies and deliveries at the top of the minds of their customers.

Thus, the patients and customers remembered them through this process despite not being physically present or going out and calling/booking for their services.

Once everything comes back to normalcy and the healthcare business starts to take its place, these services’ calendars will be filled with customer bookings because they are connected with their business through online communication. They take all the safety measures while delivering the products and when they reopened or unpacked the deliveries.

It is vital to engage a patient through developed strategic content marketing because it is not only for preparation that should be taken during an economic shutdown or a world lockdown but also for your company’s constant and continuous growth.

We already knew that it is necessary to maintain a patient’s loyalty to acquire a new patient, but in 2023, it is no longer a necessity. Still, it has become a priority to be placed first.

Good Quality Social Media Content

One of the best healthcare marketing tools of 2023 and maybe forever is good quality social media content. It has become the most powerful strategy for any business and healthcare marketing.

New customers and patients would like to see your posts on social media, where you have highlighted your work and the results, the pictures of your products, etc.

Try to bring authenticity to your content and the pictures you use for your business page.

Repetitive and plagued content is not a healthy practice, and hence, it does not result in any new positive outcome.

Putting your own company’s customized images is always preferred because your new customers want to see your profile and not just some random downloaded image. Stock images may cause you to lose customers and gradually lower your brand’s online credibility.

In 2023, social media marketing will hold its position as one of the best healthcare marketing strategies, where authenticity and the frequency of publishing new content would bring the difference.

Medical Content in Video Form

Video content, in 2023, will no longer be a luxurious thing but will become a necessity.

Many agencies, companies, and businesses have seen great success from their customers, who invested in video production.

Patients and customers love to look back and forth before considering any commitment to a new treatment or any medical procedure. Here, the medical video content makes its way to demonstrate your capabilities and skills, your results, your practice, and your patients, most authentically and uniquely.

Optimized video content is also considered one of the best healthcare marketing tools.

It is most likely to pop up on many search engines, too, on the first page.

It is proven that video attracts a lot more patients and viewers because who would like to click on a result that only shows texts and not some video where there are chances of visual and audio response?

The more your patients go through your page and see your work, the more they will believe and be willing to invest in your business.

Attractive Visuals

Attention spans are very limited in this present-day scenario. Your customers are totally into eye-catching headlines and attractive visuals, making them sign in and follow your profile. Content that is very visually appealing is one of the best healthcare marketing strategies

All branded videos, infographics, and so on are excellent ways to convey any message to your customers quickly. It would indeed create a lasting impression in your healthcare business.

The Final Thoughts

Today, every B2B orB2C ventures employ marketing tools to streamline their healthcare marketing strategies. With their businesses running on multi-channel and cross channels aspects, the need for these marketing tools has only magnified. 

With the list of marketing tools discussed above, you can outgrow your competition with ease as a healthcare company. However, these marketing tools’ adoption is not only what you need. Your firm also needs a reliable set of databases or healthcare intelligence for a perfect marriage resulting in effective sales. 

Get instant access to your choice of healthcare intelligence with Ampliz!

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34 Free & Discounted Sales Productive Tools To Help You Through The Coronavirus Period Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:28:00 +0000 Ampliz34 Free & Discounted Sales Productive Tools To Help You Through The Coronavirus Period

People are willingly giving away free/discounted products, subscriptions, templates, cheat sheets, online courses, training modules and much more. This is absolutely crucial because most businesses are bleeding money at this moment. Free or discounted tools/subscriptions are a boon during this pandemic.

The post 34 Free & Discounted Sales Productive Tools To Help You Through The Coronavirus Period appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

Ampliz34 Free & Discounted Sales Productive Tools To Help You Through The Coronavirus Period

As of 25th March 2020, there are more than 420K people affected with Coronavirus across the globe. The stock market has taken a huge blow, businesses are suffering and there’s a mass layoff happening. We are almost facing a mini-recession and none knows when this catastrophe will end.

The world saw a huge shift in work culture, when probably for the first time in decades so many people started working from home or remotely. The way businesses have adapted to this situation is quite intriguing. Physical events have been shifted to online events, LinkedIn and other social media feeds are filled with positivity and there’s a common sense of community prevailing across the globe.

The best part, however, is the amount of generosity that businesses & influencers are showing. People are willingly giving away free/discounted products, subscriptions, templates, cheat sheets, online courses, training modules and much more. This is absolutely crucial because most businesses are bleeding money at this moment. Free or discounted tools/subscriptions are a boon during this pandemic.

Thus, we decided to compile this list of tools to help out people searching for the same. If you know anyone or any business suffering during this time, do share this resource with them. Also, check out this resource on how to work from efficiently – this will be very helpful if you’re a newbie to the world of remote working.

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34 Sales and Productive tools to help in the Covid pandemic

Tools at a glance :

  1. Ampliz SalesBuddy
  2. Calendly
  3. Slack
  4. Linkedin
  5. Trello
  6. Zoho remotely
  7. Okta
  8. Cofounders Lab
  9. Ubbersuggest
  10. Chatgen
  11. Aflo
  12. Group leads
  13. Rockhire
  14. Zoom
  15. Workplace by FB
  16. Hangouts
  17. Threads
  18. Airtable
  19. Dropbox
  20. Atlassian
  21. Cloudflare
  22. Mailchimp
  23. Hootsuite
  24. Workable
  25. Adobe
  26. Survey Monkey
  27. Loom
  28. PDF templates by Kdan Mobile
  29. Jamm
  30. Creately
  31. Filecamp
  32. Vengage
  33. Troop Messenger
  34. Fyle


  1. Ampliz SalesBuddy: SalesBuddy is a nifty browser extension that lets you get access to email ids, phone numbers & LinkedIn profiles of decision-makers in a company. We, at Ampliz, are giving out free credits of our tool worth $50. Just download the tool and we will email you the discount coupon. Also, we are giving out flat 50% off on annual subscription of SalesBuddy & People Finder. Shoot us an email at and get access to both the tools.

2. Calendly: Calendly is a meeting scheduling tool that automates the process without the hassle of to and fro emails. Calendly is offering free integrations with Zoom and GoTo meeting till June 2020.

3. Slack: This is by far the most popular team collaboration & messaging tool out there. Slack is offering free upgrades to paid plans for teams working on coronavirus research, response or mitigation. They are also providing Non-profits with free Standard & Plus upgrades for 3 months.

4. LinkedIn: Free access to LinkedIn premium for 6 months for people who’ve lost jobs and are looking for one. Reach out to any LinkedIn employee in your network to get access to this offer. Also, they’re offering their online course on “remote working” absolutely free of course

5. Trello: This one from Atlassian’s arsenal is offering free access to business class plans for educators in the K-12 segment. Trello is great for team collaboration, so make sure you make good use of this offer.

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6. Zoho Remotely: 13 products from Zoho’s suite of applications are free to use till 1st July 2020. These tools will be of great help for team collaboration while working from home.

7. Okta: Free access to Okta Single Sign-On and Multi-Factor Authentication. Okta is an identity management tool that is also giving out free trials to its “remote work toolkit”.

8. Cofounders Lab: Access to Premium subscription for 3 months, free of cost. Cofounders Lab is a platform that can connect you with potential cofounders/partners if you have a startup idea. Use code 3MONTHSFREE while you sign up to get this offer.

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9. Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is now “more free”. A lot of features like access to historical data of competitors, a comprehensive backlink data and more will be made available to the free plan. Not only this, but Neil Patel is also adding a “live chat” feature to Ubersuggest and also launching a complete SEO course filled with video material, cheatsheets, and templates.

10. Chatgen: Free access to business plan for 1 month. Constructing chatbots won’t be very difficult now.

11. Aflo: Aflo connects you to experts who customize your marketing and sales strategies at prices that don’t break the bank! They are charging Zero commission charges during this Coronavirus situation.

12. Group Leads: It helps you extract business leads from Facebook groups and eventually turn them into paying customers. Use code COVID50 to avail a flat 50% off on their plans.

13. Rock Hire: This is a must-have application for hiring remotely and create an amazing candidate experience. They are offering full access to all the features for 2 months.

14. Zoom: The video conferencing tool is offering unlimited meeting time for conferences with more than two participants for its free users.

15. Workplace by Facebook: Government organizations can get free access to its premium features for a period of 12 months.

16. Hangouts Meet: Free access to educators (G-suite customers) to advanced capabilities of hangouts, globally.

17. Threads: Threads is great for team collaboration, especially if you’re working remotely. They are offering “Pro” and “Team” plans for free of cost for existing and new users until July 1, 2020.

18. Airtable: This tool is great for team collaboration and organizing workflows. They are offering Free Pro plans for COVID-19 mutual aid projects. Make use of this offer while you work remotely.

19. Dropbox: Dropbox is offering free Dropbox Business and HellomSign Enterprise subscriptions for a three-month period to nonprofits and NGOs that are focused on fighting COVID-19.

20. Atlassian: Apart from the aforementioned offers on Trello, Atlassian is also giving out offers on its range of productivity and team collaboration tools. Jira Software service, Jira service desk, Confluence, and Jira Core are now free for teams up to 10 people.

21. Cloudflare: Secure your website and make it blazingly fast with Cloudflare’s CDN. Because they’re giving out enterprise features for free to all small businesses affected by COVID-19. Sign up today!

22. Mailchimp: Mailchimp is offering free Standard accounts to eligible groups sending critical public health information about COVID‑19 through June 30, 2020. Get the most out of it during this period.

23. Hootsuite: Organizations in affected industries (restaurants, hotels, event venues, performing arts, etc.) can use the professional version of Hootsuite’s social media management software, at no cost until July 1st, 2020. Plus, you’ll get access to a free library of social media training courses to help you engage with your audience, create content efficiently, and manage crisis communications. Hootsuite has been really generous with this offer during this Coronavirus situation.

24. Workable: They make amazing products for the entire HR community. Workable is offering video interview add-on free for 3 months to all of their new and existing annual customers.

25. Adobe: Adobe is offering creative clouds app for free to schools affected by Coronavirus. So all you design students, make the most of this offer.

26. SurveyMonkey: Got to get a survey done? Don’t worry. If you’re a non-profit, a student or an educator, you’ll get free access to all of SurveyMonkey’s features. Also, they are giving away free questionnaire templates regarding this pandemic situation.

27. Loom: If you’re a teacher or a student at a K-12 school, university, or educational institution using Loom for classroom work, you can use Loom Pro for free, forever. Also, they will remove the recording limit of their free plan. Make the most of this video tool.

28. PDF templates by Kdan Mobile: Kdan makes some amazing PDF templates that’ll help you to get your work done faster. Check out their free templates for mobile and create beautiful PDFs on the go.

29. Jamm: This efficient video collaboration tool works perfectly for remote teams. Make the most out of it as it’s absolutely free of cost for 3 months now.

30. Creately: Creately helps you to visualize your concepts in the form of charts, flowcharts, etc. They have more than 1000 templates to pick from as well. With their basic plan available for free, they are currently offering a 50% Discount on all Team Plans valid for 6 months.

31. Filecamp: This is a cloud-based digital asset management platform, which is perfect for remote work. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, they’re offering a free pro plan (up to 10 GB of storage) until 1st January 2021.

32. Vengage : Create an engaging chart in no time with the Venngage Chart Maker.

33. Troop Messenger: Collaborate using a productive team collaboration and instant messaging app to discuss your office work. You can chat, make calls, and hold conferences completely securely!

34. Fyle: Fyle is an expense management software that comes power-packed with seamless expense tracking and corporate card reconciliations. It also integrates with accounting softwares like Sage Intacct, NetSuite, QuickBooks, and Xero.


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The post 34 Free & Discounted Sales Productive Tools To Help You Through The Coronavirus Period appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

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The Ultimate List of Sales Tools 2023 Thu, 14 Nov 2019 11:00:20 +0000 AmplizThe Ultimate List of Sales Tools 2023

Sales tools are digital tools (generally SaaS products) that Sales professionals use to reduce redundancy and increase their productivity. Sales tools can be classified into various categories like sales intelligence, sales enablement, sales productivity, sales promotion. sales forecasting, sales automation, and CRM.

The post The Ultimate List of Sales Tools 2023 appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

AmplizThe Ultimate List of Sales Tools 2023

Sales or business development is one of the toughest jobs, hands down. Sales reps spend the day in and day out generating revenue and achieving targets and it’s not an easy job to do.

Apart from empathy, grit, and determination, understanding people (customers) is a necessary skill. But thankfully it’s 2023 and we have a plethora of sales tools for literally any need.

We agree that sales require a human touch, no matter what. But that should not be the excuse to do every single aspect of the job manually. You don’t have to manually scroll through thousands of web pages to find leads or follow up every cold email one by one – there’s a tool for everything.

But sadly, most organizations do not even think about providing their business development teams with the various sales tools available in the market today. Shockingly, people still think of only a CRM when we talk about B2B sales tools.

So to help you sales folks out, we came up with this exhaustive list of sales tools – which will help increase your productivity in 2023.

What are sales tools?

Sales tools are digital tools (generally SaaS products) that Sales professionals use to reduce redundancy and increase their productivity. Sales tools can be classified into various categories like sales intelligence, sales enablement, sales productivity, sales promotion. sales forecasting, sales automation, and CRM.

In this article, we have broadly classified the various sales software and tools into different categories. We have tried to cover all possible kinds of tools and have created this ultimate list of sales tools for 2023.

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Types of Sales tools

It is quite surprising that most sales professionals don’t even know the amount and types of tools available in the world today. From blazing fast sales prospecting tools to smart CRMs, sales reps today are spoilt for choice.

The use of A.I. is again another interesting fact to notice when it comes to these tools and it has really made the lives of salespeople easier. These are the major types of sales tools available in the market:

Sales Intelligence & Prospecting Tools

We don’t generally associate the word “intelligence” to sales, do we? Sales intelligence tools are generally SaaS products that help salespeople find, understand, and monitor a prospects’ information.

These tools, also known as sales prospecting tools are heavily based on data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to help your sales prospecting process. Such tools or software come with a wide range of features including lead prospecting, bulk prospect information extraction, CRM integration, contextual intelligence, et cetera.

What this means is these tools are backed by a huge amount of pre-collected data, which the users can get access to for a price. Where is the “intelligence” part in that?

It is the filters and the conditions you can set to find the prospects you want – company revenue, industry, etc., is where the intelligence kicks in.

Listed below is an array of the best sales prospecting tools / intelligence tools that we think are a must-have for 2023.

Linkedin Sales Navigator

LinkedIn is the leading professional social media platform in the world. Almost everyone you know is probably on LinkedIn already.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a prospecting tool that helps sales reps to reach out to potential customers directly.

Some of the key features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator are:

  • Advanced Lead and Company Search
  • Lead Recommendations
  • CRM Integration
  • Real-time Sales Updates
  • Notes and Tags and much more
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
source: LinkedIn

Ampliz Salesbuddy

Ampliz SalesBuddy is a global B2B data platform that provides you with accurate prospect information in a jiffy. Apart from having nifty features like prospect fit score & business integrations, Ampliz also comes with contextual intelligence.

Ampliz works great as a sales prospecting tool. This free sales tool has highly accurate data that enables your sales team to increase the conversion rate.

Some of the key features of Ampliz are:

  • Global B2B Contact Data
  • Target customer persona and prospect fit score
  • LinkedIn profile, Email Ids, and Direct Dial numbers
  • Contextual Intelligence and much more
Ampliz - Best Sales Prospecting Tool


Clearbit is another useful sales prospecting tool that provides you with information on the right prospects to start the interaction. Apart from this, you can have the option of personalizing every marketing and sales interaction with the leads.

Hubspot Sales Hub

Hubspot is a massive sales & marketing suite which has a huge range of products – marketing automation to CRM to email campaigns. Hubspot is a go-to option for any sales or marketing professional and is definitely a top recommendation on our list.


This sales tool has multiple features ranging from marketing and sales intelligence to huge business contact databases. With the data of ZoomInfo, your sales team can multiply your conversion rate very quickly.

Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a platform where all the members present their newly launched product, and a plethora of people come to know about the features of the product. There is a high probability of getting the clients if your product suits their requirements. You can use this tool for hunting prospects.

EasySendy Pro

EasySendy Pro is a hybrid email software that helps you identify the right leads and prioritize them. EasySendy Pro offers segmentation that is based on the user’s interactions, enabling you to target specific prospects and build better relationships with them. It also provides an integrated email marketing platform that is designed to boost engagement and sales. With EasySendy Pro, you can design beautiful emails and newsletters, measure their performance, and track customer behavior in real-time.

EasySendy Pro also provides advanced analytics that allows you to understand customer behavior and plan your next sales campaign accordingly.

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Angelist was built on the premises of supporting the startup culture. This is one online platform where your sales team’s quest for prospects will be met. It has been designed exclusively keeping entrepreneurs, startups, investors, and recruiters in mind. Angellist is a free to use platform.


Hunter is a browser plugin that helps you collect email ids from websites. It has a huge database of verified email addresses and is surely a trusted platform in this niche. However, you need to have a list of company domains in order to extract the relevant contact information. Hunter is not a sales tool per se but will come in handy for anybody in sales or marketing.

Voila Norbert

Voila Norbert is another email address hunting hub that extracts contact details of your prospects. You need to provide your prospect’s first name, last name, and domain name to get the email address from this tool. If you choose to use this tool, the first 50 leads are available for free.


Calendly is a fantastic tool for scheduling appointments and follow-ups. It is one of the most user-friendly scheduling tools out there and thus grabs a position in our list of sales tools. Apart from scheduling meetings, Calendly also has the functionality to do follow-ups on WFC (Waiting For Confirmation). Using this tool, you can eliminate unnecessary calls and save time thus increasing productivity.


Lusha is a sales intelligence tool that is used to find contact details, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and LinkedIn profiles, of your prospects. With these details, the sales and marketing people can identify the right opportunities to take the sales discussion further.


The Chrome extension ContactOut is an excellent tool for finding the contact details of any LinkedIn or Github user. The tool fetches your prospects’ email addresses and phone numbers and also provides you with a search function that you can use to find their work emails.

ContactOut also features a dashboard where you can save and organize your leads and a people search portal that lets you discover leads that are not on LinkedIn. 

Enablement Tools

Sales enablement tools are used to strategize the sales process and also to motivate the salespeople. These tools for sales also come loaded with other features like pipeline optimization, incentive plans, sales coaching & training, et cetera.


This sales tool is a one-stop-shop for managing sales resources, ranging from the information of customers to content solutions. Seismic suggests accurate content to sales reps at the right stage during the sales process. Also, it supplements with content like news, product updates, and other relevant collaterals to enhance the sales reps’ knowledge.


Whatfix is an end to end onboarding training solution software that helps you to provide concise information to the employees. It is a user-friendly sales tool and it facilitates easy creation of training modules like PDFs, annotated videos, slideshows, et cetera. This tool eases the onboarding and training process for new employees.


Membrain helps sales teams with sales processes, content management, training, automation, and other similar activities. To add to these functionalities, it has analytics, dashboards, behaviour tracking and process integration. This tool integrates with Hubspot, Salesforce, and Zendesk.


HighSpot is an AI-powered sales enablement tool that has quite a lot of use cases – Content management, Sales plays, Sales communication, Sales training, and buyer engagement. Also, it includes features like business analytics, security and several integrations.

Productivity Tools

Productivity tools are software that increases the performance of salespeople thus reducing the time and complexity involved. As the name suggests, these tools have been built for the sole purpose of boosting your productivity at work. These type of sales tools have become increasingly popular among business developers.


Dropbox is a great online platform to store files and documents and to collaborate with other people. It provides the option to access your files from anywhere at any moment. Storing data efficiently (especially a platform where you can collaborate) helps increase productivity manifolds.

Datanyze Insider

Datanyze is an advanced sales tool that elevates the performance of the business growth team. It offers the opportunity to research sales accounts, browse through contact lists, and decide the right prospects to move further.


G-suite comes with a range of Google tools like sheets, doc, drive, et cetera and is undoubtedly one of the most sought after services offered by Google. The best part about a Gmail account for your work email id is that it gets seamlessly connected to Google Analytics.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.Salesforce

Lead Squared

Your sales team can accelerate the conversion rate using this tool. LeadSquared is a saas platform for sales execution and marketing automation tools. This sales tool tracks complete activities of a lead ranging from visiting the home page, submitting the inquiry form to opening the email sent by your company. The activity report will help your sales rep to decide the right prospect.


Salesflare is one of the best CRM for salespeople. The principal feature of this tool that differentiates it from others is, while sales reps maintain the customers’ or prospects’ data manually, Salesflare automates it to make sales reps focus on increasing sales.

Zoho CRM

This software empowers all types of organizations ranging from very small to large size. Zoho is a one-stop-shop where a company can manage all the departments like marketing, sales, customer service, and inventory management. Zoho offers a few of the best sales tools that can come handy for 2023 & beyond.

Shape Software

Shape is a purpose-built sales and marketing automation software with pre-built features that can be configured for any business. It is a customer relationship management (CRM) solution designed to help companies increase productivity through in-depth sales. The solution was designed to support small businesses, though organizations of every size can use it. The product’s customers include companies in the real estate,  Mortgage CRM, finance, education, and agriculture industries.

Sales Promotion Tools

Sales promotion tools aim to target and retarget prospects directly. Notably, sales tools like MailChimp and Buffer have unique features to approach the various opportunities.


Connecting with prospects and customers via social media becomes more comfortable if you use this tool. Buffer is a handy tool to plan social media content schedules. But the free version of this tool has the very least option where the paid version of this tool provides a wide range of options to reach your target audience.


If you want an affordable tool to send high-converting email and SMS campaigns to your customers, then Sender is your go-to choice.

The platform has a human-friendly interface that lets you manage and send your email and SMS marketing campaigns from a single dashboard without a hassle. You can also send personalized text campaigns in bulk, instantly connect with prospects and customers, and convert.


If you want to send an insightful and beautiful email to your customer, this tool is the best option for you. You can choose to engage your audience with social media posts through this tool.

Apart from this, MailChimp also offers “automatic tagging from landing page” where the new visitors of your landing page are labelled. It helps you to identify and target them with personalized messages. Mailchimp is again one of those sales tools that are very useful when it comes to setting up meetings or cold emailing your prospects.


Kontentino is an intuitive tool for the effective management of your social media accounts. It helps to organize social media posts and to manage multiple profiles in one calendar. Apart from this, it offers live post previews and plans to boost your company’s social media posts in advance.

Better Proposal

Better Proposal is an excellent tool to initiate the business with your client that helps to create well designed and attractive proposals. Apart from this, this tool’s web-based trackable projects will impress your client and multiply the conversion rate. Your sales team can boost their performance with the help of this tool.

Forecasting Tools

These sales tools predict the upcoming prospects or customers based on the previous records of sales. It analyzes the logs of the previous transactions and forecasts the outcome of the revenue generation for the current year.


SalesLoft is a leading sales engagement platform that helps sales organizations to produce better and effective results. Almost 2,500 customers use the company’s category sales engagement platform to engage in authentic and relevant ways.


MoData is an ultra-modern sales tool powered by AI that helps B2B enterprises to generate more revenue and conversion. With the help of it, the Sales and marketing team prepares effective pipeline management, forecasting, and account-based sales.


Kepion is a planning and analytics platform designed for marketing, sales, finance, and operations. It provides insights on (KPI) key performance indicators along with the reports and analytics. It enables you to set a realistic pipeline for your sales team.

IBM Planning Analytics

IBM Planning Analytics is a useful cloud-based platform for all size organizations. It helps to manage the strategy, forecasting, score carding, and budgeting. You can track your sales team to measure if they have achieved the target or not.

Spring ML

Data science and machine learning-based technology can optimize business functions. They have helped businesses with their revenue to skyrocket. Analyzing historical data can help your team to develop forecasting capabilities while optimizing performance.

You can track the performance of your sales team with Spring ML. Thus Spring ML makes it to our ultimate list of the best sales tools.

Automation & Integration

These tools enable businesses to automate their sales process starting from finding prospects to nurturing the relationship to closing the sales. We are in 2023 now and our lives are surrounded by automation of some sort or the other. Thus, our list of sales tools contains an array of software that make the lives of salespeople easy


Zapier is another powerful tool that enables people to connect and automate the apps they use. Companies can use this tool to offer their customers integrations with 1000+ apps, and this platform also provides the opportunity to the developer to add API for private and public use. lets you connect 100+ apps to automate your mundane sales tasks and lets you focus better on closing deals. From syncing contacts, notifying on deals to managing your sales pipeline & data, it does all. Check out their popular HubSpot & Salesforce Integration.


Outreach is a sales engagement platform that empowers revenue growth by optimizing every interaction of the customer life cycle. This platform manages all communications with a customer either through email, voice, or social media and guides a sales rep to take the right action at the right time.


Yesware is a very efficient tool for sales. It transfers your Gmail or Outlook inbox to the sales tools by tracking and analyzing all interactions. You will get a notification every time someone reads your email or opens the attachment.

Accordingly, your salespeople decide to follow up or to send the push notification to the prospects. It also has an added advantage to integrate your salesforce and Linkedin sales navigator account. is a sales tool that helps you find the new prospect and automates the follow-ups and email campaign process. Apart from this, it tracks and analyses your campaign and provides statistics. It has the unique feature of finding the email address of your prospects from LinkedIn and company websites.


Growbots is a fantastic outbound sales platform that provides you a list of potential prospects based on the specific criteria. It also helps you with the decision maker’s email address for further communication. Apart from this, it has options to personalize, customize, track, and send the email campaign. It allows you for A/B testing of your campaign template to make it unique and compelling.

Sales Mobile Tools

At the outset, we need to understand that any tool that can be invariably used from anywhere at any time is called a mobile application in a more exact essence. These sales tools are handy for you, especially when you are not at the office place.

Jotform Sign

Jotform Sign is the newest tool in Jotforms’ already expansive suite of mobile products.  As a legally binding e-signature tool, Jotform Sign helps users create documents and collect signatures for them, create approval flows between your team or signees, and get notified once everything is in place! 

Jotform Sign has the same easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder as other Jotform tools, offering a quick and powerful user experience. While creating a new document is really easy, Jotform offers +600 ready-to-use e-signature templates for all occasions. All you need to do is to pick the one that’s best for your needs and customize it to make it yours! If you’re looking for a quick way to convert your existing documents, Jotforms’ AI-powered field detection eases the process of migrating your documents!

Adobe Sign

People get inclined towards things where there are minimal hiccups. As a marketer, you can beat the expectation of prospects and clients if you offer a more comfortable option. Adobe Sign made the contracting procedures easier for newer clients.

Previously it was known as EchoSign and eSign. It can be used to create, transmit, manage, and sign the forms, agreements or any documents from anywhere at any time from any device.


DocuSign is also another effective electronic platform to manage the agreement and contracts between the two parties. It not only provides the option to modify the terms in the agreement (If both parties agree) in the middle of the process but also has an option for the third party to be a witness.

One of the best features of this sales tool is performing the addendum procedure without initiating the process from scratch. It can be copied from the original document and changed the necessary part amid the contracting process. It is easier for your sales team to drive a new client or customer, guiding them step by step.


Slack is a perfect platform to keep in touch with your sales team, and you can be aware of all the proceedings in the sales team. It is the platform where all team members collaborate and share essential information looping in all the right people. It is also a very user-friendly tool for new members.

Hello Sign

Hello Sign provides digital workflow ranging from e-signature to electronic fax solutions. Over 80,000 customers and millions of people have good experience with this tool for rapid growth. It has the option to invite up to 20 signers at a time, and once the agreement procedure is over, each signer gets a copy of the document. It aids salespeople to deal with the more significant projects and close it swiftly.

What sales tools do sales reps need?

There are a lot of sales tools out there that can significantly improve the performance of your sales team. While marketing people are always armed with a range of tools, it’s kind of unfair to not provide the same for sales professionals.

Although the list of tools for sales above is quite exhaustive, there are broadly 6 types of tools that sales reps need:

  1. Sales Intelligence Tools
  2. Sales Enablement Tools
  3. Productivity Tools
  4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  5. Sales Forecasting Tools
  6. Automation and Integration

It doesn’t matter if you are a product-based or service-based company, grooming your sales team and providing them with relevant best sales tools will result in revenue growth.

Using efficient tools to track your sales team’s performance is significant for any business. Also, enabling the sales team with the right tools accelerates sales revenue and provides a new approach to solve an issue or close deals efficiently.

Sales tools save time and effort for the sales team in generating leads and closing deals. Take a look at this ultimate list of tools for sales and have your pick at the ones that suit your business!

The post The Ultimate List of Sales Tools 2023 appeared first on Ampliz Blog.

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